With racism and anti-Semitism on the rise in Europe and the USA, LICRA USA’s mission has become ever more urgent. In France as in the US, our goal is to mobilize civil society against the dangers of xenophobia and populism, and to promote effective policies by maintaining a constant dialogue with political, diplomatic and education officials.
Top historians, politicians, philosophers and social scientists have spoken at conferences organized by LICRA USA in NY over the past few years on subjects including: “Secularism in a Multicultural World”, “Democracy on the Decline?”, “ Profile in Resistance: Adolfo Kaminsky” (with Jafa), and, most recently, “Anti-Semitism today and the Rise of Hate Crimes” at Columbia University (with Teacher’s College).
Our next conference, “Patriotism vs Nationalism: ideals vs soil” will take place on May 9th, 2019, at the French Cultural Embassy in New York, with Adam Gopnik (The New Yorker), Bernard-Henri Levy (French philosopher) and Yascha Mounk (Senior Lecturer – Harvard University).
Since 1927, LICRA has been dedicated to fighting racism and anti-Semitism in France. LICRA USA is proud to further this historic mission in the US at a time when human rights are under renewed attack in both countries and beyond.